About Us

The Mission for the Channel

The channel is dedicated to everyone who wants to “build not buy” their car. Those who not only want to win, but do that spending less than the next guy.

The channel will cover the tools, techniques and materials to make all types of go faster bits, drink a beer and maybe have a laugh along the way. Every so often, we might even do some motorsport!

David (OG)

A mis-spent youth playing with Lego, Meccano and himself, meant that David was destined to be an Engineer.

3 years spent drinking and the odd lecture David got a Mech Eng degree, and some experiences he’ll never remember.

David has held a UK Racing Licence since 13 when he raced 100cc karts, and since then has done most forms of motorsport known to 4-wheels.

I get a lot of emails from companies who want me to review their products, and the occasional e-mail about companies wanting to Sponsor bits on the channel. Now, most of these requests get refused but occasionally the products are 100% right for the channel, in which case they get a review.

It is very important to me that you guys can trust me and the reviews I make, because potentially you are going to spend your hard earned money based on what I say. Put very simply : -

“The viewer comes first, not the company”.

That’s the short version, for a more complete answer click the button below to see the complete Review Policy that all companies must agree with prior to me reviewing their product (yes I did steal this idea from Michael at Teaching Tech - if its good, its good).

Who are we?

Dave (Spare)

In the, highly likely eventuality, that the first David dies of excess hydration, its okay, we have a back up!

David was originally created on a prototype 3D printer in 1986. He has since roamed the East Midlands waiting for metal 3D printing to catch up with his dreams of creating a clan of small, 2ft high versions of himself.

Why? No-one knows…


Bravely saving us all from the horrors of dehydration, Beer is always there, a constant companion to everything that doesn’t involve actually driving…
